It’s been so much fun watching Ashley grow and change. She loves to coo and tell us stories. She’s most talkative right after she eats. When we talk to her, she’ll just stare at our mouths, which makes her smile and coo. She has also perfected the shy little smile where she half-smiles and looks away at the same time. it's adorable. She’s also very observant. She loves to look around the room and take things in. She watches us as we move around and is starting to try to turn and look behind her. She also loves to look at the ceiling fan.
Ashley went for her first dip in the pool, just very briefly. She didn't mind being in the water at all. She just hung out like always. After a few minutes, we dried her off, dressed her warmly and she promptly fell asleep.
We got to celebrate our first mother's day. Eric had to work so Ashley and mom made brunch for my mom. We spent the day hanging out and then Eric made me dinner after he got off work. The dinner was fantastic and he brought home the most beautiful tulips. Even more importantly, I managed not to kill the flowers wihtin the first 3 days, which is something that usually happens. Let's just say I don't have a green thumb.
One of her favorite places is to lie on the play mat we have. She likes watching all the toys dangling above her but she hasn’t made too much of a move to grab at them. When lying on her back, she is starting to dig her heels in and try to push. Sometimes this results in her butt coming off the ground, other times it results in her moving a little bit. She also loves to do this on the changing table, which can impede progress at times. She’s starting to tolerate tummy time a little more. She’s always been a strong little baby, holding her head up from the beginning. She likes to look around while on her tummy but after awhile, she just gives up and puts her head down.
Ashley’s been drooling a lot lately. She loves to put her hand in her mouth and suck on her fingers. If we don’t keep a bib on her, the front of her onesie gets completely soaked. There doesn’t seem to be any teeth on the way in, though.
She’s turned into a great little sleeper. She’s usually gets tired between 8 and 9pm and will start rubbing her eyes. Once we put her down to sleep, she’ll stay asleep until around 6am. We still swaddle her as it helps her calm down to sleep but she’s starting to be able to completely get out of it by morning time. It looks like our swaddling days are numbered.
It’s a good thing that she likes to sleep because mommy went back to work on May 23rd. It was a sad moment for all but we’re surviving. Ashley is in a great home daycare not far from where we live. There are 5 others under the age of 2 and there are two employees. They take great care of her and she’s the only girl so they definitely love having her around. This is a shot of Eric dropping her off for her first day at daycare.
She’s still fitting into her 0-3 month clothing but she’s starting to get a little big for them. Her 3-6 months clothing is all washed and ready. Mommy can’t wait to start dressing her in new little outfits as she grows into the new size.
Awww! She's getting so big!