
Monday, October 31, 2011

Baking Experiments

Given my newly found loads of free time, I've decided to get the creative juices flowing.  First up - making halloween cookies.

Now, I've never make cookies by rolling out the dough and using cookie cutters all by myself.  Sure, I've helped my mom make cookies numerous times but she was the one that would make the dough and roll it out; I would just cut them and decorate them (you know, the fun and easy stuff).  So this was definitely going to be an experiment.

Dough making - totally easy.  No problems.  Rolling the cookie dough out - a little more challenging.  Not impossible but I had the common challenges of rolling the dough too thin, or not thin enough, the dough sticking to the rolling pin, getting too much flour in the dough.  But all in all, I think it worked out pretty well.

First Batch - not so great

Second batch - looks better
I also made my own icing, tinting it various colors and decorating the cookies.  Again, the icing was easy to make but, considering the dough made 4 dozen cookies, it was a LOT of decorating.  By the end, I decided not to put faces on the pumpkins. 

So Halloween cookies were a success.  Eric took the majority of them to work as the two of us don't really need to eat 4 dozen cookies.  Not sure what the next baking experiment will be.  Perhaps some candies for Christmas...

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